Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cellphone Etiquette

From prehistoric times to now, the human culture has created numerous ways to perform simple tasks; for example, people from different areas of the world eat differently: the Europeans use forks while Asians use chopsticks. Everything we do can be done differently and properly somewhere else.

Humans communicate in many different ways from face-to-face to instant messaging. Different cultures communicate very differently. In North America, one of the primary ways of communication is on a cell phone. However, is there a proper way to use a cell phone? Personally, I think cell phone etiquette exists, not extreme rules but respectful suggestions. When using a cell phone it depends where you are. If you're in class or at a play, talking to someone on your phone isn't very mannerly. There are other places that cell phones cannot be used due to conflicting connections, like in hospitals. Don't get me wrong, cell phones are one of the most awesome inventions out there, along with airplanes and computers.

Five Rules that are necessary to be followed when using cell phones :

1- Remember where you are: If you're in a meeting or watching a movie, don't pick up your phone! Evaluate the area properly by asking yourself some questions : If I answer my phone, will I disrespect others? Also remember to turn off your phone where interference can occur, like in Hospitals.

2- Let it ring to voice mail: When you're too busy to answer, don't. The person can leave you a message and get back to you.

3- Don't talk too loud: Often, people talk much too loud on their phones causing the people around them to become annoyed. Plus, you don't want other people eavesdropping!

4- Text instead of calling: If you're in a small, enclosed space like a car or a bus, text instead of calling because it's more private and respectful.

5- Put your phone on vibrate or silent: If you're in a quiet area, put your phone on vibrate or silent so you do not distract others.

Happy Cellular calling!


ChickaChickaya said...

I totally understand what you are talking about. I hate it when people talk loudly on there phone and not taking in consideration of other people. By the way i love your layout it is very pretty (: good job on your posts also!

mo said...

I really like your rules/suggestions/guidelines on cell phone use. They're easy to follow, and I can already see how following them would prevent inappropriate cell phone use in the future. I too think that cell phone use and blasting your phone's ringtone in the middle of a movie is disrespectful and should be avoided at all costs. "Silence is golden." People payed $10 to watch the movie, not others ranting on their phone.