Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy"

After watching the hilarious video, I realized Louis C.K was correct, instead of seeing how incredible our lives are and what amazing inventions we are able to discover, we complain about them instead. Just last summer, my flight to Texas was delayed two hours, leaving me exhausted and annoyed of how long I had to wait. Then after two hours, it was announced that the plane was still delayed another hour! Exactly like Louis C.K said, I took advantage of technology and the brilliance of airplanes instead of realizing how incredible and unimaginable centuries ago that humans would fly, for more than five seconds and with comfort and luxury!

I started to reminisce about my childhood with technology. Ever since I can remember, my parents had a cell phone. Now, they use awesome Sony Erricsons whereas before, they had Motorolas that were specifically used for calling, unlike now where cell phones have cameras, contacts, games, music players and other useful functions on them.
In my life, I cannot live without technology. Everyday, I depend on my cell phone, ipod, laptop, television and sometimes my Wii and DS. Ever since I can remember, I was dependent on technology, I created my first email account when I was eight and frankly, still use it. I check the weather on CP24 instead of a thermometer, I communicate with people through my cell phone and msn and depend on my laptop or DS to amuse me when I'm bored.
Technology advances everyday with smaller cell phones, laptops and hand held game stations.
Although I love life, Louis C.K was correct on how, my generation takes advantage of the technology and lifestyle we get to have. To be able to fly in a chair or contact people instantly from another side of the world, that's awesome.
Decades ago, none of this could be possible and I'm sure in a few more decades, youths will be thinking the same about our lifestyles!
I am excited for what's yet to come in our world of technology and hopefully I can keep track of the latest inventions, hopefully a machine that can finally help the world understand the human brain and its amazing functions.

1 comment:

Velanie said...

I agree with your post!
I went through that whole plane being delayed thing, and I was really frustrated D; I never even thought about how cool it was that we were flying in the sky or anything.
Good job with your blogs. (: